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To-Ba Some issues feedback received

Andrea66 TS2017 Tags: , , ,

After a few days, I gathered the first info about malfunctions and I can give you some feedback. The “claims” were really few, and for now all solvable. The problems pointed out by more than one person are:

Phantom catenary poles in some areas. This, as specified in the manual, is due to the setting of the graphic details (density and quality). The sliders must be at max to avoid these missing render by RW. Who put the details to the maximum, had the problem solved.

Lack of some winter terrain textures. Unfortunately, this is due to a corrupt file during the installation of the installer. Soon I will publish a corrective patch or an update to release 1.1 (see next point)

 Some tunnel entrances do not have the “hole” in the mountain. This is due to the lack of the “Kuju / RailsimulatorUS” provider / product. Now it’s a paid content. Most users have this content, but not all. The tunnel hole is the most obvious, but there are other objects of the same provider less evident that those who do not have that pack can not see.  Within the next days I will check the possibility of replacing all these objects with other “standard” objects and if I succeed, I will probably decide to make available an update to 1.1 that solves this problem and the previous one.

To date, I have not received any other reports related to the pure route.

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